LH Archived Post status is a WordPress extension that creates an additional posts status available for content that may no longer be relevant to most visitors but should be available (perhaps for historical purposes).

I built this plugin as UI needed this flexibility whilst using WordPress as a CMS. The plugin adds a new post status that enables posts and pages (and custom post types) to be archived. Archiving in this context means that the content is still publicly available but is not published on the front page of the site or the feed.

This plugin allows you to archive your WordPress content similar to the way you archive your e-mail. It is different too any existing archiving plugins as the display of content (whether archived content is available to non logged in viewers)  can be configured in the settings area. Once activated you will have two options:

  1. Hide you content entirely from non logged in viewers
  2. Hide your content from the frontpage and feed but display on singular pages.


  • Makes a new post status available in the dropdown called Archived
  • Optional display of archived content in the front end.
  • Allows you to add a message to the top of the post/page etc that the content is no longer up too date
  • Compatible with posts, pages and custom post types
  • Ideal for sites where certain kinds of content is not meant to be evergreen


  1. Download the plugin from the repositoy. Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/lh-archived-post-status/.
  2. Upload the entire `lh-archived-post-status` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Go too Settings->LH Archive to set what post types this status should be available too, and optionally add a html message that will be displayed on the single page of archived posts, pages etc
If you like this plugin please consider making a donation to further development