LH Locked Post Status lets a network admin lock posts so they can’t be edited by the users of that site even editors.

Perfect for stopping school assignments from being edited after submission or adding a post to a network that you don’t want removed.

Lock Posts adds a post status module that’s only available to post or page admins. Easily toggle the status between locked and unlocked.

It does so by creating two new posts statuses. Publicly locked and Privately locked.

Publicly locked posts or pages functions exactly the same as published. EXCEPT only user with manage_options capability (usually only admin users) can edit the post or page.

Privately locked posts or pages functions exactly the same as private. EXCEPT only user with manage_options capability (usually only admin users) can edit the post or page.

In both cases only users with manage_options can assign a post or page to the above statuses. As a webmaster this functionality may be useful if there are posts or pages you do not want editors or similar roles amending.

The WordPress plugin repository page is here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/lh-locked-post-status/


  1. Upload the entire `lh-locked-post-status` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
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